Nwchem 6.1: Unable to open nwchem.nw --- appending .nw

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It still not work!
I did it as what you said, but it is still not work.

Our cluster is SGE grid system, the script is as follow

  1. !/bin/sh

  2. $ -S /bin/bash
  3. $ -cwd
  4. $ -q katyusha
  5. $ -pe katyusha 8
  6. $ -hard
  7. $ -l hostname=k129.hn.org
  8. $ -N pi-blyp-d3-tzvpp

source /etc/env/iccvars.sh
source /etc/env/ifortvars.sh
source /etc/env/openmpii.sh
export MPIRUN_PATH=/usr/local/openmpii/bin

cd /pubdata/myliu/py-indole-blyp-d3-tzvpp

mpirun -np 8 /nibs/myliu/nwchem-6.1/bin/LINUX64/nwchem py-tzvpp.nw >& py-tzvpp.nwo