4:56:35 PM PDT - Wed, May 30th 2012 |
When you set $ECCE_RCOM_LOGMODE then you should also see the exact ssh/scp commands ECCE is issuing. Between that and seeing what is being sent over those ssh/scp connections you can also try to reproduce what is happening manually if it is not clear why ECCE is having a problem. That's another common debugging technique we've employed over the years. This is one of the "big 3" for problems that come up using ECCE. Those are:
1. OpenGL graphics configuration issues (mostly alleviated in recent years by using Mesa software OpenGL as the default configuration)
2. Compute resource registration for machines running batch queue schedulers
3. Remote communication issues
When I look at the first problem you describe under "the node" section of your original post, I'm guessing that something isn't working related to the scp file copy because of your customized remote_shells.site file. But, I think we made ECCE smart enough to substitute in the command line arguments you specified for ssh when it runs scp. I wouldn't be surprised though if something related to that broke over the years. I can't remember the last time we tried using the remote_shell.site capability--definitely many years ago.