Building NWChem 6.1 with Intel 11.1 and Openmpi 1.6 on a IB cluster running CentOS 6.2

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Forum Vet
need to shrink util_version.F
ifort 11 is fine.
The problem is this the file $NWCHEM_TOP/src/uti/util_version.F. Since it's a very long file (but -- frankly speaking -- not very useful),
ifort has some hiccups while processing it.

Here is how to overcome the problem

cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/util
head -1 util_version.F > new.F
tail -1 util_version.F >>new.F
mv util_version.F bigv.F
mv new.F util_version.F
make FC=gfortran
cd ..
make FC=gfortran link

Please let me know if this works for you, too.
