mcscf:linear dependent AO basis

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I am a fairly new user of NWChem and I seem to have run into trouble with linear dependence in my basis set.

I am running SCF calc followed by an MCSCF run using the 6-311+G* basis set.

The comment at the beginning of the SCF calculation is:
!! The overlap matrix has   3 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
2.16D-06 2.48D-06 7.62D-06

whereupon it runs through the calculation, completes and MCSCF begins whereupon again it reads:
!! The overlap matrix has   3 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
2.16D-06 2.48D-06 7.62D-06

mcscf:linear dependent AO basis        0
current input line :
63: task mcscf energy
There is an error in the specified basis set

and crashes. First, I am a little confused that the eigenvalues of the offending orbitals would remain identical between the beginning of the SCF and the beginning of the MCSCF if the MCSCF were reading out the results of the SCF run. To test this I directly specified the orbital outputs from the SCF and the input for the MCSCF but to no avail.

My next thought was to identify which atomic orbitals were responsible, however I cannot seem to id the appropriate keyword print out the orbitals in a readable fashion. If anyone has general suggestions regarding how to go about identifying the troublesome basis functions I would be very grateful.
