ECCE 6.3 - missing some components?

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That is, my organizer window had no menus at the top, but a right-click brought up the contextual menu.

Unfortunately, I then got an error when I tried to start a new calc (in the bottom pane of the organizer window, something about not being able to complete the action.)

Since I was blundering my way through installing both the Virtual Ubuntu machine AND installing ECCE, I've taken the nuclear option and trashed the entire virtual machine and am restarting from scratch. I believe I have a better handle on the entire process and a clean install is the way to go.

Incidentally, for jollies I tried directly running the binary nwchem installed as part of the ECCE install. That is, from the command line (% ./ecce-v6.3/apps/bin...../nwchem test.nw)

Unfortunately I got an error about a missing gFortran shared library. I'm hoping installing gFortran in Ubuntu will resolve that.

Thanks again, and it's nice to know someone is reading these lists!
Don Berry

PS since I was about to delete the entire Ubuntu "box", I truly regret not typing the following, just to say I had done it:

cd /; sudo rm -rf *

Have a nice weekend.