/home/don2/ivo/mpilndir/bin should have either mpif77 or mpif90.
I don't know why you specified
setenv LIBMPI "-lmpich -lopa -lmpl -lrt -lpthread"
while the libraries are not there in the first place.
Given the libraries available, you may want to try
setenv LIBMPI "-lmpi"
and go from there. There might be additional libraries needed, but the linker will indicate that.
Quote:Ivo Apr 27th 12:39 pm@Bert: No, they're clearly not there. I freshly installed MPICH2-1.4.1p1, for windows, 64bit version. Can there be a version issue?
@Edoapra: I don't have mpif90.
On another note, I am also not married to MPICH2. I could try another MPI implementation. Which one would be recommended?