formaldehyde results

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Acording to the webpage above the results should be:
> Final RHF  results 
>      ------------------ 
>        Total SCF energy =    -22.507927218024
>     One electron energy =    -71.508730162974
>     Two electron energy =     31.201960019808
> Nuclear repulsion energy =     17.798842925142

However I am getting this:
> Final RHF  results 
>       ------------------ 
>         Total SCF energy =    -22.495356286833
>      One-electron energy =    -71.634841064814
>      Two-electron energy =     31.340641852839
> Nuclear repulsion energy =     17.798842925142

The two results only agree on "Nuclear repulsion energy" .
I get those results using version 6.0 and 5.1.
An alternate installation by an independent researcher also gets the same result a I do.

thanks for your time.
Best regards Anna Jonna.