Precision of the parameters in trj file

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There seems to be an undocumented input feature in the record block of the molecular dynamics input:

   record precision 1

Should do the trick.

Alternatively, adding:

 set md:nprec 1

in the input before the task line should work too.


Quote:Guo Apr 12th 12:49 pm

I am trying to extract coordinates from a trajectory (trj) file of a QM/MM molecular dynamics simulation. The problem is that the coordinates in the trj file are rounded off to 0.01 Å, which are not as precise as I need.

I searched the documentation, but did not find a keyword that controls the output precision of the coordinates in the trj file. I also tried to locate in the source code the lines that are responsible for the generating of the trj file, without success.

Do you have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.
