a molpro CCSD(t) calculation with BSSE correction and bond function input file to nwchem input

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If you <name> the geometry, you need to set the geometry you want to use. By default nwchem assumes a geometry with the default <name> "geometry", which is also chosen when the <name> is left blank. See:

<name> - user-supplied name for the geometry; the default name is geometry, and all NWChem modules look for a geometry with this name. However, multiple geometries may be specified by using a different name for each. Subsequently, the user can direct a module to a named geometry by using the SET directive (see the example in Section 5.7) to associate the default name of geometry with the alternate name.

I.e. in your case, you need to define:

  set geometry "CO2_N2O"

Or you simply remove the name.


Quote:Luyunpeng Feb 6th 12:57 pm
well, I finally got one input after reading through the user manual.
start molecule

title "CO2-N2O interaction, CCSD(T) calculation"
charge 0

geometry "CO2_N2O" units angstroms print xyz autosym
Bq                 0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
C 3.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
O 2.91897650 -1.00636222 0.00000000
O 4.08102350 1.00636222 0.00000000
O -4.05652900 -0.00000000 -0.96393650
N -3.46397900 -0.00000000 0.06239020
N -2.90032900 -0.00000000 1.03866064

basis sperical
 C library aug-cc-pvtz
N library aug-cc-pvtz
O library aug-cc-pvtz
BqC library C aug-cc-pvtz
BqN library N aug-cc-pvtz
BqO library O aug-cc-pvtz
Bq s
0.9000 1.000000
Bq s
0.3000 1.000000
Bq s
0.1000 1.000000
Bq p
0.9000 1.000000
Bq p
0.3000 1.000000
Bq p
0.1000 1.000000
Bq d
0.6000 1.000000
Bq d
0.2000 1.000000
Bq f
0.3000 1.000000

mon oco 2 3 4
mon nno 5 6 7


freeze core

ecce_print test.out

scratch_dir /scratch/NWCHEM

task tce energy

But it can not run as I got the error information as following:

                    Input BSSE Module - Counter Poise Approach

 geom_rtdb_load: not found or rtdb corrupt: geometry -> geometry
geom_rtdb_load: open geometies: 1
1 geom_rtdb_load: "geometry" -> "geometry"
geom_rtdb_load: geometries in last accessed data base: 1
bsse_input: no geometry load form rtdb 0
current input line :
44: bsse
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:

0:0:bsse_input: no geometry load form rtdb:: 0
(rank:0 hostname:c27.cluster.spms.ntu.edu.sg pid:14116):ARMCI DASSERT fail. armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0

So why the declaration in bsse does not work?

Lu Yunpeng