"band Grsm list start:get heap 0" error

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Anyone know more about this error statement? see below. It seems that the NWPW PSPW Calculation has been completed. But this error appeared when the NWPW BAND Calculation is running.

* *
* NWPW BAND Calculation *
* *
* [(bundled Grassmann/Stiefel manifold implementation)] *
* *
* [ NorthWest Chemistry implementation ] *
* *
* version #1.10 01/31/03 *
* *
* A pseudopotential plane-wave band structure program *
* with Brillouin zone sampling for optimizing crystals, *
* slabs, and polymers. Developed by Eric J. Bylaska *
* , Edoardo Apra, and Patrick Nichols. *
* *
>>> JOB STARTED AT Thu Apr 16 05:48:13 2020 <<<
================ input data ========================

Generated formatted_filename: ./O.cpp
- Spline fitted, nray=15478 -
- filtered -

Generated formatted_filename: ./H.cpp
- Spline fitted, nray=15478 -
- filtered -

Generated formatted_filename: ./Fe.cpp
- Spline fitted, nray=15478 -
- filtered -

+ converting wavefunctions from pspw format to band format
filename converted  : ./pspw+band_pbe_H49O48Fe16.movecs
pspw filename moved to: ./pspw+band_pbe_H49O48Fe16.movecs.pspw

input psi filename:./pspw+band_pbe_H49O48Fe16.movecs
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 1 1
       - error(before)=  0.131189E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.284217E-13 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 2 1
       - error(before)=  0.131179E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.284217E-13 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 1 2
       - error(before)=  0.131631E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.568434E-13 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 2 2
       - error(before)=  0.131612E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.000000E+00 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 1 3
       - error(before)=  0.131133E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.000000E+00 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 2 3
       - error(before)=  0.131138E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.000000E+00 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 1 4
       - error(before)=  0.131550E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.284217E-13 ( 0.232000E+03)
Warning - Orthogonalization performed, spin,zone: 2 4
       - error(before)=  0.131504E-03 (  0.232000E+03)
- error(after)= 0.000000E+00 ( 0.232000E+03)

number of processors used:              48
processor grid  : 12 x 1 x 4
parallel mapping  : 2d hilbert
boundary conditions = periodic (version3)
electron spin = unrestricted
exchange-correlation = PBE96 (White and Bird) parameterization
dispersion correction= Grimme4

elements involved in the cluster:
1: O core charge: 6.0 lmax=2
comment  : Parameterized (Chem.Phys.Lett., vol 322, page 447) Hamman psp
pseudpotential type  : 0
highest angular component  : 2
local potential used  : 2
number of non-local projections: 4
cutoff = 0.700 0.700 0.700
2: H core charge: 1.0 lmax=1
comment  : Parameterized (Chem.Phys.Lett., vol 322, page 447) Hamman psp
pseudpotential type  : 0
highest angular component  : 1
local potential used  : 1
number of non-local projections: 1
cutoff = 0.800 0.800
3: Fe core charge: 8.0 lmax=2
comment  : Troullier-Martins pseudopotential
pseudpotential type  : 0
highest angular component  : 2
local potential used  : 0
number of non-local projections: 8
semicore corrections included  : 0.800 (radius) 8.949 (charge)
cutoff = 2.292 2.835 2.292

total charge:   1.000

atomic composition:
O  : 48 H  : 49 Fe  : 16

number of electrons: spin up=  232.00  spin down=  232.00 (Fourier space)
number of orbitals: spin up= 232 spin down= 232 (Fourier space)

lattice: a1=< 21.993 0.000 0.000 >
a2=< 0.000 17.378 0.000 >
a3=< 0.000 0.000 35.905 >
reciprocal: b1=< 0.286 0.000 0.000 >
b2=< 0.000 0.362 0.000 >
b3=< 0.000 0.000 0.175 >

     lattice:    a=  21.993    b=  17.378     c=  35.905
alpha= 90.000 beta= 90.000 gamma= 90.000
volume : 13722.4
Ewald summation: cut radius= 3.00 and 8
madelung= 1.47473953

brillouin zone:
number of zone points: 4
weight= 0.250 ks=< 0.250 0.250 0.250 >, k=< 0.071 0.090 0.044>
weight= 0.250 ks=< -0.250 0.250 0.250 >, k=< -0.071 0.090 0.044>
weight= 0.250 ks=< 0.250 -0.250 0.250 >, k=< 0.071 -0.090 0.044>
weight= 0.250 ks=< 0.250 0.250 -0.250 >, k=< 0.071 0.090 -0.044>

computational grids:
density cutoff=100.000 fft= 100x 80x 168( 655461 waves 54621 per task)
wavefnc 1 cutoff= 50.000 fft= 100x 80x 168( 231726 waves 19310 per task)
wavefnc 2 cutoff= 50.000 fft= 100x 80x 168( 231726 waves 19310 per task)
wavefnc 3 cutoff= 50.000 fft= 100x 80x 168( 231726 waves 19310 per task)
wavefnc 4 cutoff= 50.000 fft= 100x 80x 168( 231726 waves 19310 per task)

technical parameters:
time step= 5.80 fictitious mass= 400000.0
tolerance=.100E-06 (energy) 0.100E-06 (density)
maximum iterations = 1000 ( 10 inner 100 outer )

energy calculation

         ======== bundled Grassmann lmbfgs iteration ========
    >>>  ITERATION STARTED AT Thu Apr 16 05:52:50 2020  <<<
iter. Energy DeltaE DeltaRho
band_Grsm_list_start:get heap 0
current input line :
176: task band optimize ignore
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:

0:band_Grsm_list_start:get heap:Received an Error in Communication
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000004, -1) - process 0

and I attach my input script.


title "swnc: e theory=pspw+band xc=pbe formula=H49O48Fe16 charge=1 mult=1 machinejob:expert"

start pspw+band_pbe_H49O48Fe16

memory 3000 mb

charge 1

geometry noautoz nocenter noautosym
system crystal
11.638300 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 9.195800 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 19.000000

O -0.045352 -0.415819 0.330404
H 0.111598 -0.378644 0.321286
O -0.441366 0.396349 0.382196
H -0.464003 0.311467 0.355978
H -0.217011 -0.163394 -0.295802

 cutoff 50.0
mult 1
ewald_rcut 3.0
ewald_ncut 8
xc pbe96-grimme4
pspspin up d -1.00 11 20 31 39 41 50 57 69
pspspin down d -1.00 12 16 21 30 42 44 51 56
uterm d 0.146997 0.036749 20 50 69 11 41 57 39 31 30 56 16 44 12 42 21 51

set nwpw:cif_filename H49O48Fe16

task pspw energy ignore

  pspspin off
task pspw energy ignore

set nwpw:kbpp_ray .true.
set nwpw:kbpp_filter .true.

 monkhorst-pack 2 2 2
np_dimensions -1 -1 4

maxiter 25
task band optimize ignore

density diff diff.cube
task band band_dplot

Very Best Regards!