New to NWChem and Avogadro...running the Getting started example

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Gets Around
I have had no luck opening any NWChem output file in Avogadro (v 1.20 for Windows). I recommend WebMO. A local copy of WebMO can be installed which will submit jobs and analyze output from a local running copy of NWChem, as I understand it. (I have done a similar thing with Gaussian on Windows systems only.) Note that the free version of WebMO cannot visualize MO's or electron density surfaces. However, on the WebMO (Pro version) working demo site (, NWChem output.out files of any length can be uploaded and the full results visualized. Or, you can do the same thing on the Univ of Alaska webmo site as guest user ( In fact on this site, the guest account can use up to 60 min of cpu time for MOPAC or NWChem jobs.
John Keller