Possible to restart CCSD or CCSDT TCE calculations?

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Forum Vet
When spherical is used, the result on Ubuntu18.04 becomes
Singles contributions

Doubles contributions
Using plain CCSD(T) code


CCSD[T]  correction energy / hartree =        ...
CCSD[T] correlation energy / hartree = ...
CCSD[T] total energy / hartree = ...
CCSD(T) correction energy / hartree =
CCSD(T) correlation energy / hartree =
CCSD(T) total energy / hartree = ...

The repeated one gives
CCSD[T]  correction energy / hartree =        ...
CCSD[T] correlation energy / hartree = ...
CCSD[T] total energy / hartree = ...
CCSD(T) correction energy / hartree =
CCSD(T) correlation energy / hartree =
CCSD(T) total energy / hartree = ..
The two results can be called identical.