Translate and rotate options in the prepare module

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Does anybody know how the translate and rotate options are supposed to be written ? I cannot use them and the manual is very inaccurate about it:

translate [atom | segment | molecule] \
<integer itran> <integer itran> <real xtran(3)>

This directive translates solute atoms in the indicated range by xtran, without checking for bad contacts in the resulting structure.

rotate [atom | segment | molecule] \ <integer itran> <integer itran> <real angle> <real xrot(3)>

This directive rotates solute atoms in the indicated range by angle around the vector given by xrot,, without checking for bad contacts in the resulting structure.

But what are the "itran" for ? What is the number "3" in parenthesis after xtran and xrot ??? Are there also the ytran, ztran, yrot and zrot keywords for the other axis ??

Thank you for your help,