Thread Title |
Replies |
Views |
Last Action |
TDDFT Excited State Mulliken Charge
1 |
1965 |
Sep 2nd 7:53 pm Niri |
NWChem and Python
2 |
2443 |
Sep 1st 5:57 am Marcindulak |
1 |
3028 |
Aug 23rd 11:21 am Edoapra |
Cmcm geometry failure after one energy calculation.
1 |
2626 |
Aug 21st 3:00 pm Bylaska |
C240 benchmark
0 |
1699 |
Aug 17th 8:34 am Simone.piccinin |
Charge Analysis after Car-Parrinello
0 |
1714 |
Aug 13th 1:18 pm Dbinion |
Maximum number of constraints in CDFT
9 |
2732 |
Aug 4th 12:45 pm Jtravers |
Ghost in geometry block with just ECP for DFT calculation
2 |
2515 |
Aug 4th 10:53 am Logsdail |
TDDFT and periodic boundary methods
1 |
1837 |
Aug 3rd 9:02 am Bert |
Calculation time
3 |
2193 |
Jul 19th 10:10 am Bert |
How to print full DFT MO Analysis (all bf contributions to each MO)
1 |
3520 |
Jul 17th 1:34 pm Bert |
MP2 charges
13 |
5240 |
Jul 16th 3:19 pm Bert |
Adjusting the symmetry of the RTDB geometry
1 |
2234 |
Jul 16th 3:00 pm Bert |
Periodic systems
5 |
5111 |
Jun 14th 1:25 pm Bert |
PAW U basis set.
0 |
2015 |
Jun 1st 8:59 am Davis68 |
Freexing single coordinate geometry optimization
4 |
2803 |
May 21st 6:26 am Davis68 |
real-time TDDFT
2 |
2518 |
May 9th 6:43 pm Lihb734 |
TDDFT Core states
5 |
3652 |
Apr 10th 2:42 pm Niri |
symmetry use in TDDFT
1 |
2276 |
Apr 5th 9:55 am Niri |
Printing gradients for the scf hessian run
1 |
2312 |
Mar 12th 10:07 am Bert |
set mixang option
1 |
2354 |
Mar 2nd 7:41 am Niri |
hybrid functionals with band
3 |
2661 |
Feb 7th 12:36 pm Bylaska |
FREEZE atomic
1 |
3082 |
Feb 5th 10:18 pm Niri |
DFT Orbital Energies Output
1 |
3064 |
Jan 27th 12:44 pm Bert |
convergence threshold affected by property calculation
5 |
4063 |
Jan 25th 12:49 pm Guest - |
EOM-CCSD sample input file and Dipole moments of Excited states
1 |
4350 |
Jan 25th 7:46 am Guest - |