Thread Title |
Replies |
Views |
Last Action |
cdft & ET on nwchem 6.3
0 |
1748 |
Aug 19th 12:54 pm Sm00469 |
Implementation of PBE0 functional in NWCHEM
5 |
3959 |
Aug 19th 12:53 pm Zork |
Verify the expression: C.transpose * S * C = I
6 |
3042 |
Aug 12th 1:40 pm Alexx |
incomplete atomic overlap matrix output from "print "overlap" "
0 |
2020 |
Aug 8th 5:49 pm Alexx |
Cartesian gaussian functions used in NWChem
1 |
2102 |
Jul 25th 9:55 am Edoapra |
Roothaan equation (F*C = S*C*E)
1 |
3276 |
Jul 22nd 11:01 am Edoapra |
Cartesian gaussian funcations and pure spherical harmonics
1 |
3144 |
Jul 22nd 10:57 am Edoapra |
overlap matrix of atomic orbitals
7 |
5744 |
Jul 12th 2:34 pm Alexx |
extracting MOs from .movecs file
1 |
4183 |
Jul 8th 9:04 am Wl |
TDDFT plots
5 |
3773 |
Jun 26th 4:03 pm Himadride |
Large numbers of bqs problem
2 |
1861 |
Jun 26th 3:55 pm MHermes |
initial orbital guess for MCSCF in NEB calculation
0 |
1833 |
Jun 21st 7:12 pm Vladimir |
pressure in thermo calculations
0 |
1992 |
Jun 20th 10:14 pm Jbaltrus |
Plot atomic orbitals
2 |
2301 |
Jun 7th 1:31 am Alessandro.chiesa |
Spherical vs cartesian basis sets
2 |
6528 |
Jun 7th 12:08 am Jhammond |
A question about MP2 energy gradient
2 |
2597 |
Jun 7th 12:03 am Jhammond |
OLYP method
1 |
2032 |
Jun 3rd 6:08 pm Edoapra |
Is there an RTDB call to get the coordinates from the input file?
0 |
1757 |
Jun 2nd 2:59 pm WillEverett |
0 |
1930 |
Jun 2nd 1:38 pm Alfcanova |
DFT-D3 (vdW 3) Question
3 |
3702 |
May 30th 12:39 pm Bert |
Electron-Transfer (ET) method added to PSPW
0 |
1812 |
May 29th 2:03 pm Quantiz |
Plane wave DFT- crystal optimizations
1 |
2838 |
May 29th 11:48 am Bert |
Geometry Optimization with COSMO
8 |
4593 |
May 24th 11:54 am Bert |
tr_tddft and plotting
2 |
1752 |
May 23rd 2:58 am Heully |
hyperfine parameters in nwpw
1 |
1834 |
May 20th 4:20 pm Niri |