Bug in ESP radii using ECPs

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Hello there,

At least in the latest development version, July 2014, there is a bug in the definition of atomic radii if ECPs are used. With an ECP attached, the ESP code interprets the atom type in question to be that of atomic number (total electrons - ECP core electrons). For example, silver with a 28e ECP is interpreted to be element 47-28=19=K instead of Ag...

So when using standard radii, they are wrongly assigned. Further, if one wants to define non-standard radii (or want to circumvent the bug) by explicitly defining them in the input, one has to use the incorrect atomic number for this. Which becomes a real problem if the molecule already contains an element of the type in question.

Simple dummy-example below for AgK.

Mikael J.

start AgK
title "AgK RESP"

geometry units angstrom
Ag         0.000        0.000       -1.518
K          0.000        0.000        1.518

basis spherical
  * library Def2-SVP

ecp spherical
 Ag library "Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP"

 xc xpbe96 cpbe96
 iterations 100

 restrain hyperbolic
 #radius 19 0.134
task dft energy

task esp

Gets Around
Could developers be so kind as to pay attention to it?

Gets Around
Judging by the results radii are correctly assigned.
Another thing is that in the output file is written really something strange.

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